The Adjunct Voice

pineapples with sunglasses on the beach

Adjunct Unemployment Workshop

When you hear the word “dole” do you think of pineapples or senators?  If not, here’s some help filling out your unemployment insurance application. Where: City College, MS 540D When: Friday, May 24th, 2:00-3:00pm  Flex Credit for NEXT semester available through independent study, info at the event. If you can’t make it, many resources are […]

OER Survey request from ASCCC

Another survey, this one from ASCCC – Academic Senates for the California Community Colleges about OER. Did you get the email? I will attempt to post the entire email here, and what I especially care about is the survey at the end: Greetings! 1. The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Open Educational Resources […]

Social Security Checklist for Adjuncts

Did you pay into Social Security at some time?  Will you be able to collect anything under Social Security?  Hopefully this checklist will help you find the answer. I also have it posted under Files in the San Diego Adjunct Faculy page on Facebook Note:  Prepared for SDAFA by Carlynne Allbee, in the spirit of […]

If you’re in a CFT local, you should take this survey at

AFT sent this out but it is interesting that not all AFT members received it. Thank you to Sandy who made sure we saw it. If you’re in a CFT local, you should take this survey at AFT has committed to make a candidate endorsement based on rank and file input this time, and […]

Social Justice Conference, City College 3-21-19

San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association Stage Silent Protest at City College Social Justice Conference

Press realease: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 20, 2019 SAN DIEGO ADJUNCT FACULTY ASSN. TO STAGE SILENT PROTEST AT CITY COLLEGE SOCIAL JUSTICE CONFERENCE Adjunct professors are paid only a fraction of what Full-time tenured professors make for doing the same work in the classroom San Diego, CA: City College is holding it’s fifth annual Social […]