The Adjunct Voice

boyish Bob Dylan quote "Twenty years of schoolin' And they put you on the day shift. Look out kid. They keep it all hid"

SWC pseudo-moralistic apologetics mixed with statistical data

There’s an old notion from a guy named Paulo Freire about something called “Committing class suicide.” I think Adam Curtis articulates it well.  People who are the sort of the center of society at the moment . . . they would have a lot to lose from real political change because it really would change […]

Your thinking is bad and you should feel bad. If you’ve been given this card it’s because the things you said were so full of fallacies and dodgy logic that it would take too long to identify all of them. Please go to and familiarize yourself with all the things.

Argument Resource

Having trouble getting through to people? Does self-interest cloud their thinking? Try giving them a Logical Fallacy or Cognitive Bias time-out card! The Thinking Shop will send anonymous decks to that stubborn Department Chair, Union Boss, or Politician. Or better yet, download them here for free, cut out a few specific problems, and add the […]

in a darkly candle lit hall, a woman walks up stairs, with columns covered in niches, each with a face

Resources from the General Meeting Friday, October 29, 1-3 pm

Here are resources from SDAFA’s Open Member Meeting, held online Friday, October 29, 1:00-3:00 pm PST. The topics included: Part-time Governance – Opportunities to serve in your college governance. SDAFA board members will share their experiences serving on their campuses and developing the PT voice. Healthcare Solutions – Updates for PTers losing SDCCD benefits on Sept 30 – Carlynne Allbee   CalRTA update on the STRS […]

demonstrators in winter clothes with signs in English and French. One reads: How will I -pay rent? -give my kid Xmas? -pay off student loan? -prep lecture?

Until October 29th, SDAFA members stream “Professor Precarious” free!

In celebration of Fair Employment Week in Canada, SADFA is sponsoring free streaming of the recent documentary In Search of Professor Precarious Oct 18-29 From October 18th to the 29th the movie will be streaming here to watch at your convenience, bring your own popcorn and invite your adjunct friends. Please let us know what […]

a keyboard with a key with the word "research"

Adjunct Research Participants Needed

Adjuncts problems tend to be swept under the rug by politicians, administrations, and unions. Often they claim ignorance. Research helps bring our situation to light and may provoke change. Please consider helping out with the following research project. This email serves as an invitation to participate in a research study that is focused on how being […]