SDCCD CBA: We did it!

Jim Mahler released his tentative Contract Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD), and it’s an overall win for adjuncts! No more Chairs and Deans trying to scare us out of applying for job security (PoA); automatic Our PoA wait-time goes down from 8 semesters back to 6 The ability to […]

CPFA Response to Jim Mahler’s email regarding AB-591 and the 67% PT load limit

Last month, SDAFA Vice Chair David Milroy, who is also Director of Administration for the California Part-time Faculty Association (CPFA), sent out a survey to adjuncts in San Diego County regarding raising the statutory limit on teaching load.  His email briefly detailed the history of how CPFA had worked on the 2007/8 bill that raised […]

Advocacy Needed on Part-Time Faculty Measures on Office Hours and Parental Leave

This is from the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) FACCC-sponsored AB 310 (Medina) and FACCC co-sponsored AB 2012 (Medina) will  both be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 25. AB 310 would require community college districts to post the provision of paid part-time faculty office hours on their websites while AB […]