by Leonardo Rodriguez January 20, 2020 In a shocking development on this case, first reported by SDAFA on January 26, 2018 (, on January 13, 2020, the Department of Justice issued a “right to sue” letter to Adjunct Spanish Professor Salvador Gonzalez, one of four adjunct professors in the Languages Department who, over the […]
Open Letter to SDCCD Faculty
[SDAFA response to discussion on the SDCCD district email list] Fellow faculty members, We’ve had quite a beginning to this conversation about our next contract. Unfortunately, some have suggested that adjuncts don’t have enough “skin in the game” and a divisive tone has emerged that pits adjuncts against full-time faculty. There is a […]

San Diego City College NOT a Free-Speech Zone?
San Diego City College NOT a Free-Speech Zone? Let’s Make It a Hate-Free Zone! by Leonard Rodriguez If you, like many Americans, think of college campuses as leftist zones promoting liberal discourses of inclusion and tolerance, you may want to think again. A peaceful demonstration on Wednesday, April 25th promoting equity, equality, diversity, and respect […]
For immediate release to all media San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association April 22, 2018 Contact: “SANCTUARY SCHOOL” ACCUSED OF CONDONING RACISM. DEPARTMENT CHAIR ACCUSED OF ACTS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ABUSE, AND RETALIATION AGAINST IMMIGRANT PART-TIME PROFESSORS. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. A lawsuit filed in Federal Court on December 12, 2017, against San Diego Community College […]

Working People’s Day of Action
#UnrigTheSystem On Saturday, February 24, SDAFA joined with thousands of working people and their allies gathered at rallies across the country to demand an end to a system and an economy that’s rigged against us by the wealthy and powerful. The local rally was held at Convention Center Park in San Diego. The main purpose […]

Support the City College Language Adjuncts!
On December 12, 2017, three San Diego City College adjunct professors filed a lawsuit in federal court to address long-term abuses by their Chair and Dean. The complaints included discrimination, intimidation, and ratalitory class scheduling.