Tax deductions we have lost for 2018 taxes

For years, I have been sharing with my fellow Adjuncts a tip my tax preparer taught me long ago. When we travel from school to school on the same day, as freeway flyers, this mileage has been a deduction as a Business Expense, if you itemized deductions. Under President Trump’s Tax Reform, this deduction, among […]

Update on teaching after retiring from STRS

Remember when “some” of us retired from STRS but still intended to keep on teaching? We found out in SDAFA sponsored workshops that STRS allowed it. For those of us working at SDCCD, we reminded anyone wanting to do it that they had to write all over the District form “Will continue teaching”???? The District […]

The Guardian reports on desperate measures by Adjuncts Professors are selling their plasma to pay bills. Let’s hold colleges’ feet to the fire If you like your coffee fair trade, why not your children’s school ‘fair labor’? Here’s a simple but effective proposal  A 2015 survey by Pacific Standard found that 62% of adjuncts made less than $20,000 a year. Illustration: Rosie […]

Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay

The Chronical of Higher Education published a study “Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay” Thanks to the Facebook page, Con Job: Stories of Adjunct and Contingent Faculty, I found out about it and am sharing it here: