AFT Guild President Jim Mahler today sent out the announcement below regarding economic issues for next year along with the attached salary schedules. Of note is that Adjunct Faculty will receive 0.84% increases and Contract Faculty will receive 0.50% increases. That’s right, folks, 4/5’s of a percent for Adjuncts and 1/2 of a percent for Contract. The 0.34% “extra” that Adjuncts will get is to “ensure that our adjunct faculty receive a greater percentage increase than our contract faculty until we get to 100% pro-rata pay.”
Just what would pro-rata pay be for Adjuncts? Being paid the same amount for teaching as Contract Faculty. This is also referred to as parity. This is what it looks like and what this raise will do to it:
Let’s look at a 6th year FTF at Class 4 (+45 units above the MA) and an adjunct at the same Class with the same amount of time:
New FTF yearly salary $76680*.75 (% of hours paid for teaching)= $57510*.67 (adjunct load limit)= $38531.70
Amount the adjunct actually would make at 67% is $86.54 per hour*360 (18 hours per unit per semester [20 units total])= $31154.40+1021.75(33.5 office hours at $30.50 per hour)= $32176.15. This is a difference of $6355.55 ($635.55/mo.) or 83.5% parity.
Same scenario at this year’s salaries: 67% of 75% of FTF salary = $38340.05 vs. actual adjunct earnings at 67% = $31916.95. This is a difference of $6423.1 or 83.25% parity.
At quarter percent yearly parity gains, it will take 66 more years to achieve parity.
In the words of Robert Yoshioka,
How much longer part-timers???
Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Faculty Members,
By application of our Resource Allocation Formula, we have reached agreement with the District on our economic package for 2019!
Below are the details of the package along with a short rationale behind our actions for each item. This package continues us on the path toward equity that our current union leadership team is committed to.
Effective January 1, 2019:
• Add one step to the Adjunct/Overload Salary Class 6 of 2.75% and one additional step to the Adjunct/Overload Salary Class 6 of 1.00% above the previous step.
Rationale: Our goal is to eventually have the same number of steps on the adjunct/overload schedule as we do for the contract faculty schedule. Last year’s package provided additional steps in Class 4 and Class 5 to get them on par with Classes 1-3. That created a temporary discrepancy in that the top step of Class 6 was less than that of Class 5. We have now rectified that discrepancy.
• Reduce the assigned hours for Counselors for 1.0 FTEF from 31 to 30 per week.
Rationale: Our goal has been to ensure counselors have the same number of assigned hours as classroom faculty. This has been several years in the making. We have now achieved our goal of equity for this group of faculty!
• Reduce the assigned hours for credit Labs for 1.0 FTEF from 17 to 16 per week.
• Reduce the assigned hours for credit Labs for 1.0 FTEF from 17 to 16 per week.
Rationale: Our goal has been to ensure laboratory courses have the same number of assigned hours as lecture courses. This has also been several years in the making. We are now only one hour per week from achieving our goal of equity, which we hope to conclude next year.
• Increase ESUs by 7 ESUs per year for Art Gallery Director at Mesa.
Rationale: We had previously increased the ESUs for the art gallery director at City, we are now doing the same for the director at Mesa.
• Increase the Contract Salary Schedule across the board by 0.50%.
• Increase the Adjunct/Overload Salary Schedule across the board by 0.84%.
Rationale: We want to ensure that our adjunct faculty receive a greater percentage increase than our contract faculty until we get to 100% pro-rata pay.
If ratified, you will see these new salary increases in your January 31/February 10 paychecks. Attached are copies of these new salary schedules.
We regret that this year’s salary increases are not greater, and that we are not able to fund many other worthy proposals, but there are several cost pressures contributing to this small allocation: 1) The new Statewide Performance Based Funding Formula only provided a 2.71% COLA, 2) The District’s mandated contributions to CalPERS and CalSTRS have increased to 20.7% and 16.28% respectively (and will increase again on July 1 to 23.4% and 18.13%), 3) Healthcare increases for 2019 are approximately 4.5%, 4) the District is experiencing a significant decline in enrollment, 5) the District ended last year with over a $15 million deficit, and 6) the District’s ending fund balance is down to just over $6.5 million, just barely above the State’s minimum recommendation.
With all of these factors in mind, we feel that the above economic package represents a solid gain for our faculty.
Links to salary schedules: