Survival Tips

Stretching our dollars

Are you on a tight budget?

Food help information:

Tax Tips

Campus specific guides

Salary Advancement

List of Unions


Resources for Negotiating Adjunct Issues in the CA Community College System

Understanding the difference between “parity” and “equal pay for equal work”: Data streams in a data desert

Union problems

Lynd and Gross 2011 “Labor Law for the Rank & File: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law”

Association for Union Democracy

What to Do When Your Union Leaders Break Your Heart” Ellen David Friedman

Democracy is Power: rebuilding unions from the bottom up. by Mike Parker and Martha Grueller


Filing a Grievance: SDCCDPERB

Discrimination: EEOC

Labor Lawyers:

[please contact us if you can help]

Good Organizations to Join




A Way to Evaluate Your Job

VCCFA Program for Change

Other Resources

John Govsky’s Contingent World