Palomar Faculty Federation Pushes for Parity Campaign
The Palomar Faculty Federation (PFF), the Palomar College union that includes both adjuncts and full-time faculty, has recently ramped up their Parity For Palomar campaign to bring equal pay for equal work to all faculty.
The campaign has buy-in from Full-time faculty, and the union has committed resources including giving all faculty working on the project the same amount of release-time, and by paying for their Part-Time Co-President to have the same amount of release time as our Full-Time Co-President.
The campaign focuses on overall compensation, office hours, and health care. Recent accomplishments include a five-fold increase in pay for committee work.
They are reinterpreting their union motto “An injury to one is an injury to all” to mean “One colleague being underpaid is an affront to all faculty.”

More information at Parity For Palomar