The new law would come at a time when the Social Security Administration is operating with its lowest staffing level in more than 50 years, or since 1972, with a hiring freeze recently put in place

San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association
SDAFA | Adjuncts Helping Adjuncts
The new law would come at a time when the Social Security Administration is operating with its lowest staffing level in more than 50 years, or since 1972, with a hiring freeze recently put in place
On Tuesday, August 17, SDAFA hosted a program on part-time faculty retirement featuring: VEBA – Health Benefits – Shannon Hoffman, CalSTRS – Jennifer Helfend-Gomez The San Diego Office of Education – Dan Puplava Social Security – Jeffrey Rodriguez The California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) – Suzie Dixon and Jennifer Baker. The event was recorded and is available below. There are also the […]