by Leonardo Rodriguez January 20, 2020 In a shocking development on this case, first reported by SDAFA on January 26, 2018 (, on January 13, 2020, the Department of Justice issued a “right to sue” letter to Adjunct Spanish Professor Salvador Gonzalez, one of four adjunct professors in the Languages Department who, over the […]
Preliminary Results of the Survey of Part-Time Faculty Bargaining Issues for SDCCD 2018
The preliminary results of the survey are in the following PDF file: SDAFA PT Contract Survey 6 4 2018

San Diego City College NOT a Free-Speech Zone?
San Diego City College NOT a Free-Speech Zone? Let’s Make It a Hate-Free Zone! by Leonard Rodriguez If you, like many Americans, think of college campuses as leftist zones promoting liberal discourses of inclusion and tolerance, you may want to think again. A peaceful demonstration on Wednesday, April 25th promoting equity, equality, diversity, and respect […]