The preliminary results of the survey are in the following PDF file: SDAFA PT Contract Survey 6 4 2018
SDCCD Hiring Fair Friday 4/27
SDCCD – San Diego Community College District – HIRING FAIR Friday, 4/27/18 10:00am – 2:00 pm Adjunct interviews conducted on site with possibility of conditional job offers. Comprehensive employment information available about Adjunct, Contract Academic & Classified, and Hourly positions. Attendees are encouraged to bring resume/curriculum vitae, and copy of transcripts for review. Applications are […]

Working People’s Day of Action
#UnrigTheSystem On Saturday, February 24, SDAFA joined with thousands of working people and their allies gathered at rallies across the country to demand an end to a system and an economy that’s rigged against us by the wealthy and powerful. The local rally was held at Convention Center Park in San Diego. The main purpose […]

Support the City College Language Adjuncts!
On December 12, 2017, three San Diego City College adjunct professors filed a lawsuit in federal court to address long-term abuses by their Chair and Dean. The complaints included discrimination, intimidation, and ratalitory class scheduling.