SDAFA Stages Masked Performance at Palomar College

San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association
SDAFA | Adjuncts Helping Adjuncts
SDAFA Stages Masked Performance at Palomar College
Time Running Out to Register for Part-Time Faculty Symposium; Agenda, Themes, Revamped for 2017 This year’s Part-Time Faculty Symposium includes sessions on great teacher approaches in the classroom and engaging in advocacy at the local and state levels. Join your colleagues for a focused conversation on the issues facing part-time faculty across California. Goals of […]
Hello Faculty, If you can find the time, please make a simple phone call to the Assembly Appropriations Committee—(916) 319-2081—in support of ACR 32 (Medina). This FACCC-sponsored resolution is currently on the Suspense File in the Assembly Appropriations Committee not because it actually costs money—it’s a non-binding resolution that calls upon the Chancellor’s Office to […]
Arnie Schoenberg Our attempt to democratize the AFT Adjunct Committee was crushed as Jim Mahler showed his true colors as a power hungry autocrat shrouded in a thin veneer of progressive rhetoric. Even though adjuncts are banned from their own committee, there are still plenty of opportunities to organize adjuncts and take back our Union. […]
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