Dear Part-Time Faculty Professionals,

Your advocacy is needed. Please respond to this call for action and forward this email to your networks.

FACCC just received word that AB 310 (Medina) will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on April 25. This bill would require each district to report the provision of paid part-time faculty office hours on its website. Students have continually testified that this is critical information to them in their determination of which college to enroll.


If you live in a district represented on the Senate Education Committee  (see below), call his or her Sacramento office to register your support. Explain that you are a part-time faculty member and that you urge an AYE vote on AB 310 at the Senate Education Committee on April 25. Click here to find out who represents you in Sacramento.

Senator Benjamin Allen, Chair: (916) 651-4026
Senator Scott Wilk: (916) 651-4021
Senator Cathleen Galgiani: (916) 651-4005
Senator Connie M. Leyva: (916) 651-4020

Senator Richard Pan: (916) 651-4006

Senator Andy Vidak: (916) 651-4014


If your state senator does not serve on the Senate Education Committee, use the FACCC Point & Click to send a pre-written message of support on AB 310. Remember to log in first to activate the Point & Click system.


Finally, if you’ll be in Sacramento on April 25, come to the Senate Education Committee in the State Capitol Room 4203 at 9:00 am to express your support for the bill. You will be allowed to state your name and position, but the more that join, the better. Please contact FACCC External Relations Director Stephanie Dowdle or FACCC Associate Director Evan Hawkins beforehand to ensure that the bill will be heard as scheduled. Both can be reached at (916) 447-8555.

Remember, we have a limited window to influence the outcome. Your participation is essential!


Jonathan Lightman, CAE
Executive Director
Faculty Association of California Community Colleges
Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute
1823 11th Street
Sacramento, CA  95811(916) 447-8555
(916) 712-5827 (mobile)
(916) 447-0726 (fax)
@FACCC #TrustEducators

1 thought on “Contact your Representative before April 25 to support AB 310

  1. update:
    Greetings Part-Time Faculty Professionals,

    This morning, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved FACCC-sponsored AB 310 (Medina) on the reporting of part-time faculty office hours. We know that many of you placed calls or used the FACCC Point & Click to advocate this measure and we are very grateful to you for your efforts. During the hearing, Senator Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) called the bill “worthy worthy” and asked to add his name as a co-author. If you live in a district represented on the Senate Education Committee, please give a quick call to their Sacramento office to thank them for their AYE vote on AB 310.

    The measure is now referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee, which last time around (when it was AB 2069 of 2016), waived it from the regular hearing process as it was deemed to have a negligible cost. This is where it will get somewhat dicey as Governor Brown vetoed the 2016 measure on the basis of an inflated cost estimate. We’re going to work closely with the Senate Appropriations Committee to educate them on how little this bill costs to implement but why it’s worthy public policy (or “worthy worthy”). We’ll also let you know when the bill is set for hearing in the Senate Appropriations Committee to generate more phone calls and emails in support.

    For right now, let’s focus on the budget and advocate money for faculty as we head into the May Revise.



    Jonathan Lightman, CAE
    Executive Director
    Faculty Association of California Community Colleges
    Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute
    1823 11th Street
    Sacramento, CA 95811(916) 447-8555
    (916) 712-5827 (mobile)
    (916) 447-0726 (fax)
    @FACCC #TrustEducators

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