Remember when “some” of us retired from STRS but still intended to keep on teaching? We found out in SDAFA sponsored workshops that STRS allowed it. For those of us working at SDCCD, we reminded anyone wanting to do it that they had to write all over the District form “Will continue teaching”???? The District […]
The Guardian reports on desperate measures by Adjuncts Professors are selling their plasma to pay bills. Let’s hold colleges’ feet to the fire If you like your coffee fair trade, why not your children’s school ‘fair labor’? Here’s a simple but effective proposal A 2015 survey by Pacific Standard found that 62% of adjuncts made less than $20,000 a year. Illustration: Rosie […]
Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay
The Chronical of Higher Education published a study “Adjunct Project Reveals Wide Range in Pay” Thanks to the Facebook page, Con Job: Stories of Adjunct and Contingent Faculty, I found out about it and am sharing it here:
WEP / GPO and Senator Feinstein
I had written Senator Feinstein about WEP and specificlaly how hard it was on Adjuncts when are pensions are much smaller than our full time counterparts. This is her reply to me: U S Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message Nov 19 2018 Dear Ms. Allbee : Thank you for writing to me to […]
Take FACCC’s survey and speak up for Adjuncts
Your Voice is Needed; Participate in FACCC Membership Survey FACCC is preparing for a new legislative session with the purpose of increasing the faculty voice in the process. As such, we are soliciting member’s opinions and ideas for our legislative priorities for next year. Take a few moments to submit your feedback. Completion of the […]
WEP is a bad feature of Social Security. Here are people trying to over throw it.
Washington, D.C. – This week (September 28, 2018) House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA) introduced H.R. 6933, the Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2018. This legislation finally gets rid of Social Security’s Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and replaces it with a new formula that […]