SDCCD Adjunct Research

Dear SDCCD Adjunct Faculty,You are invited to participate in the Community College Adjunct Faculty Experience Project, a research study led by Dr. Eligio Martinez Jr. from the School of Educational Studies at Claremont Graduate University. The purpose of this qualitative research study is to understand the experiences of community college adjunct instructional faculty and the […]

Winter is coming…

Dr. Carroll, Vice Chancellors Dowd, Surbrook, and Bulger, There is much concern among part-time faculty over the email we received on Monday informing us that we will not be receiving our first pay warrant of the semester until March 10.  Please see the emails below between myself and others and members of the AFT Guild […]

SDCCD CBA: We did it!

Jim Mahler released his tentative Contract Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD), and it’s an overall win for adjuncts! No more Chairs and Deans trying to scare us out of applying for job security (PoA); automatic Our PoA wait-time goes down from 8 semesters back to 6 The ability to […]

Adjunct Debt Relief

From Jim Mahler: Dear Colleagues, I am writing to request that you take a few minutes to write a letter of support for Assembly Bill 463 – the CFT-sponsored community college part-time faculty student debt bill. The bill is currently on the governor’s desk. We need as many letters as possible to encourage the governor to […]