demonstrators in winter clothes with signs in English and French. One reads: How will I -pay rent? -give my kid Xmas? -pay off student loan? -prep lecture?

Until October 29th, SDAFA members stream “Professor Precarious” free!

In celebration of Fair Employment Week in Canada, SADFA is sponsoring free streaming of the recent documentary In Search of Professor Precarious Oct 18-29 From October 18th to the 29th the movie will be streaming here to watch at your convenience, bring your own popcorn and invite your adjunct friends. Please let us know what […]

a keyboard with a key with the word "research"

Adjunct Research Participants Needed

Adjuncts problems tend to be swept under the rug by politicians, administrations, and unions. Often they claim ignorance. Research helps bring our situation to light and may provoke change. Please consider helping out with the following research project. This email serves as an invitation to participate in a research study that is focused on how being […]

using a lap top in the care

Urge Governor Newsom to increase the workload cap for part-time community college faculty

Please take a moment to sign the CFT letter urging Governor Newsom to sign AB 375, which would formally increase the workload cap available to part-time faculty from 67% up to 85% of a full-time faculty workload in California’s community colleges. Under the current law, too many part-time faculty members are forced to work in […]

Resources from “Health Care Options for Adjunct Faculty”

On Wednesday, September 8th from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm during our monthly SDAFA open meeting, we hosted an online presentation of the latest information from Covered California and VEBA. Video: available on Facebook for now PROGRAM3:30 – 3:45 – SDAFA – Short business meeting3:45 – 4:00 – Employee Provided Health Care by District: San Diego Community CollegeGrossmont/Cuyamaca CollegePalomar CollegeSouthwestern CollegeMiraCosta CollegeImperial Valley College4:00 – 4:10 – Getting Your Own Health Care – An Overview4:10 –  4:30 – Covered California – Keith Glenn, San Diego County Regional Field Representative4:30 […]

Resources from “Adjunct Retirement and Benefits – What You Need to Know!”

On Tuesday, August 17, SDAFA hosted a program on part-time faculty retirement featuring:  VEBA – Health Benefits – Shannon Hoffman, CalSTRS –  Jennifer Helfend-Gomez The San Diego Office of Education – Dan Puplava  Social Security –  Jeffrey Rodriguez The California Retired Teachers Association (CalRTA) – Suzie Dixon and Jennifer Baker. The event was recorded and is available below. There are also the […]

Faculty homelessness, housing insecurity, and financial hardship

I’m a reporter for Cal State LA’s Community News class working on a story for, an education news website. My fellow students and I are writing about adjunct faculty and part-time lecturers who may be experiencing homelessness, housing insecurity, or financial hardships.I’m just wondering if you can put me in touch with some adjuncts who […]