AFT Guild President Jim Mahler today sent out the announcement below regarding economic issues for next year along with the attached salary schedules. Of note is that Adjunct Faculty will receive 0.84% increases and Contract Faculty will receive 0.50% increases. That’s right, folks, 4/5’s of a percent for Adjuncts and 1/2 of a percent for Contract. […]
Have you lost classes due to low enrollment?
The impact of current low enrollments in colleges around the state has been devastating on many adjuncts as classes are either cancelled or taken away and given to other adjuncts or contract faculty. Please take a moment to take our short 3-question survey regarding any class cancellations you may have suffered this semester at: Cancelled […]
CPFA Response to Jim Mahler’s email regarding AB-591 and the 67% PT load limit
Last month, SDAFA Vice Chair David Milroy, who is also Director of Administration for the California Part-time Faculty Association (CPFA), sent out a survey to adjuncts in San Diego County regarding raising the statutory limit on teaching load. His email briefly detailed the history of how CPFA had worked on the 2007/8 bill that raised […]
Working People’s Day of Action
#UnrigTheSystem On Saturday, February 24, SDAFA joined with thousands of working people and their allies gathered at rallies across the country to demand an end to a system and an economy that’s rigged against us by the wealthy and powerful. The local rally was held at Convention Center Park in San Diego. The main purpose […]