A Zoom Webinar was held Friday, December 13, 2024, covering Unemployment for Part-time Faculty. Download the PowerPoint here. Another great resource is the Contingent World Unemployment Filing Guides.

San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association
SDAFA | Adjuncts Helping Adjuncts
A Zoom Webinar was held Friday, December 13, 2024, covering Unemployment for Part-time Faculty. Download the PowerPoint here. Another great resource is the Contingent World Unemployment Filing Guides.
Join SDAFA members and San Diego County part-time faculty for this presentation and discussion which will cover CalSTRS, Social Security and other retirement options that will impact us all …sooner or later! NOTE: In preparation for the retirement presentation, please review your CalSTRS, Social Security, APPLE/PEAR or FICA alternative accounts. If you’re not sure which one you […]
Friday, November 1 from 12:30-2:30“Retirement and Part-Timers – STRS, Social Security and More!” and “How Does The One-Tier Model Work?” Watch for registration announcements and pre-event surveys coming soon! ELECTION SCHEDULE– November 1st -Deadline for becoming a voting member.– Nominations November 1st-8th– Campaigning November 9th-16th– Voting November 18th – 24th Both the Vice-Chair (Carol Whaley – Incumbent) […]
Video is now available! https://youtu.be/4pN51TWyL-s Annotated Agenda/Minutes with links: Welcome and greeting- David Milroy II. Updates on California legislation impacting part-time faculty. – Carol Whaley 80-85% load limit – AB-375 (Medina) Pay parity – AB – 1269 (C. Garcia) Write to bill authors (click names above) and Appropriations Committee members urging them to remove these […]
Press realease: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 20, 2019 SAN DIEGO ADJUNCT FACULTY ASSN. TO STAGE SILENT PROTEST AT CITY COLLEGE SOCIAL JUSTICE CONFERENCE Adjunct professors are paid only a fraction of what Full-time tenured professors make for doing the same work in the classroom San Diego, CA: City College is holding it’s fifth annual Social […]
From Randi WeingartenAFT National President Labor Secretary Alex Acosta broke the law when he signed a secret plea agreement with a sex trafficker. With this news out in the open, it’s clear that Acosta must resign. Not only did he go easy on a politically well-connected abuser while he was a U.S. Attorney, but Acosta […]