A Way to Evaluate Your Job:
Program for Change by VCCFA
Retirement Planning
Yes, adjuncts really can retire. Here is how you can retire under CalSTRS and also with Social Security.
Campus Guides
Tips for adjunct faculty on where to go and how to get things done.
Action Alert: Support AB 406!
Assembly Bill 406 (McCarty) will prohibit charters from operating as, or being operated by, a for-profit corporation, a for-profit Educational Management Organization (EMO) or a for-profit Charter Management Organization (CMO). Why is this important? Corporations are siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars of public money away from students for profits. These for-profit corporations pay […]
SDCCD Office Hour Pay
The office hour rate of pay for SDCCD, Fall 2016 as shown on our pay stubs is: $38.90/hour This is getting better, but still only about half of most adjunct’s hourly rate. Please ask your union representatives for the other half.