While the ASCCC Part Time Leadership Conference is put on by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, you do not need to be a member of your college’s senate to attend, With that said, if you get an opportunity to attend in the future, do so. The first one, last year, was in the Anahiem area. This year it was near the San Francisco Airport. The beauty of it is that the attendees are from all over California, which results in a lot of information sharing.
I am preparing a longer discussion of the various tips given out about finding a job, but again, with all the various points of view, you can imagine how much of that information might be something you never thougt of. For example, before you apply for a job, make sure you know where it is located.
What else was offered to us in General Sessions or BreakOut Sessions? Guided Pathways, the Online Community College and OER i.e. Open Education Resources were just a few of the topics. Dealing with students, dealing with Administrators and the 10+1 concept were a few of the others.