Bylaws of the San Diego Adjunct Faculty Association (*revised 5/25/20)



a. Presides over all SDAFA meetings, including setting dates, times, agendas, inviting speakers, calling to and maintaining order, and conducting votes.

b. Provides reports at all meetings highlighting the details of his or her representation of SDAFA since the last report.

c. Ensures that all bylaws and standing rules are implemented.

d. Establishes relationships with key organizations, attending important meetings as needed and reporting back to the Council.

e. Serves as official spokesperson, chief correspondent, and contact person for public correspondence or inquiries about SDAFA.

f. Creates, supervises, and oversees committees with Board approval.

g. Oversees and/or chairs the Adjunct Advocacy Committee.

h. Contributes to and supervises the SDAFA web site to ensure that it is properly maintained and up to date.

i. Delegates responsibilities as needed with Board approval.


a. Assumes all duties of the Chair in his or her absence.

b. Provides reports at all meetings highlighting the details of his or her representation of SDAFA since the last report.

c. Chairs the Membership Committee.

d. Delegates responsibilities as needed with Board approval.

e. Performs mutually agreed upon duties as assigned by the Chair.


a. Takes minutes at all meetings.

b. Works with the Chair to prepare and distribute meeting agendas and materials.

c. Completes and forwards all minutes within two weeks to the Board for approval.

d. Maintains membership records and provides eligible voter information to the Elections Committee.

e. Performs mutually agreed upon duties as assigned by the Chair.


a. Provides a written report at all Board meetings detailing financial activity since the last report and including SDAF’s current financial standing.

b. Makes disbursements for payment, on a timely basis, of all approved expenditures.

c. Chairs the Budget Committee.

d. Prepares and presents an annual budget report and proposal at the Annual Membership Meeting.

e. Makes available all financial records to members of the Board on request.

f. Performs mutually agreed upon duties as assigned by the Chair.


a. Recruits and increases membership from among their represented group.

b. Organizes meetings and/or activities for their represented group.

c. Facilitates the distribution of SDAFA materials to the members of their represented group.

d. Creates committees, as needed, from their constituency, to help carry out these responsibilities.

e. Performs mutually agreed upon duties as assigned by the Chair.


1.Seats for additional representatives to the Board may be proposed for creation by petition signed by no fewer than ten (10) members, in good standing, from within the proposed represented group.
2.Petitions for seats for additional representatives shall require confirmation by a majority vote of the Board.
3.Additional representative seats have been approved for:

a. One (1) seat for instructors of non-credit continuing education courses.


1.Committees of SDAFA include:

a. Adjunct Advocacy Committee

b. Membership Committee

c. Budget Committee

d. Elections Committee

e. Other committees as may be created in accordance with the SDAFA Constitution and Bylaws.


1.For general membership meetings, a quorum shall be established when no fewer than three (3) officers, 50% of the seated representatives, and 10% of the membership in good standing are present.
2.For a Board meeting, a quorum shall be established when no fewer than three (3) officers and 50% of the seated representatives are present.


1.Membership applications shall be available online. Applications may be submitted online or to any member of the Board, officer or representative.
2.Dues for membership in SDAFA shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per calendar year or any portion thereof.
*Effective June 1, 2020, and through the remainder of the calendar year, new and renewing member dues shall be waived because of Covid-19.


1.Voter Eligibility

a. All members in good standing on the first day of October are eligible to vote in that year’s elections.

b. Each eligible voter shall be permitted, during the balloting period, to cast one ballot for selection of executive officers and additional ballots, one each, for a representative from each representative group to which the member belongs.

c. The casting of ballots is done electronically and online.A member must have a valid and functioning email address in order to vote.

d. For the purpose of elections in any year, a member may not modify his or her representative group affiliations or email address on or after the first day of October of that year.


a. Prior to October of each year, an Elections Committee shall be appointed by the Chair, with Board approval, to prepare for, manage, and oversee elections. The Elections Committee shall not include any candidate running for office.

b. The elections procedure shall commence in October of each year with a two-week nominations period followed by a two-week campaigning period before balloting begins.The membership shall be notified electronically of the coming nominations period and the nomination rules at least two weeks prior to the opening of nominations.

c. No less than one week before balloting, the Elections Committee will electronically distribute to all eligible voters a list of candidates and candidate statements.

d. Elections shall be held online using electronic balloting. Voters will be allotted a one week period in which to cast their ballots commencing with the conclusion of the campaigning period.

e. No more than one week after balloting ends, the Elections Committee Chair shall announce electronically to all members the election results at which time newly elected board members shall assume their duties.


a. Nominations of Executive Officers shall be by petition signed by the candidate and no fewer than 2% of the membership, or five (5) members, at large and in good standing, whichever is less.

b. Nominations of Representatives shall be by petition signed by the candidate and no fewer than 2% of the represented constituency, or five (5) constituency members, in good standing, whichever is less.

c. Nominating petitions may be presented to any member of the Board for delivery to the Elections Committee or may be presented directly to the Elections Committee.

4.Terms and Vacancies

a. The Chair and Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years. The Vice-Chair and Secretary shall be elected in even numbered years.

b. Representatives shall be elected in any year where the two-year term of office for the position is expiring.

c. In the event of a mid-term vacancy on the Board, the vacancy may be filled through appointment by the Board.Vacancies filled by appointment shall be for the remainder of the term of office of the vacant position or until the next annual election, whichever comes first.

d. Vacancies on the Board must be filled within 30 days of the position becoming vacant except that vacancies among representatives may remain unfilled in the event that no replacement is found or forthcoming.

e. Executive Officers elected by the membership to positions created because of a mid-term vacancy shall hold office for only a one-year term.This is to preserve the odd and even year staggering of executive officers.