From: Jim Mahler <>
Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 3:25 PM
Subject: $500 Remote Work Stipend Approved for All SDCCD Employees!

Dear SDCCD AFT Guild Members,

I am pleased to report that yesterday we were able to finalize our negotiations with the District for a “remote work” stipend in the amount of a one-time $500 payment to all SDCCD employees.  (NANC employees whose gross wages for January and February combined were less than $500 will receive a stipend payment up to the amount of their gross wages for that period, not to exceed $500.)

All employees = anyone who worked in any capacity during the current fiscal year which started on July 1, 2020.

This payment will be part of your gross wages in your April 30th or May 10th paycheck as applicable.  No paperwork or receipts will be needed to be submitted, this will be an automatic process.

We fully realize that this stipend amount may not cover all of the out of pocket expenses you have experienced since remote work began, but hopefully it will go a long way towards mitigating those expenses.

We are fortunate to have been able to negotiate this one-time stipend for everyone, especially considering the challenging fiscal times the District still finds itself in.

Enjoy and don’t spend it all in one place! (unless you are planning on purchasing really good red wine, then it’s OK)

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this settlement.  On behalf of the Guild’s Executive Council, we appreciate everyone’s continued support!

In Solidarity,


Jim Mahler, President
AFT Guild, Local 1931

1 thought on “$500 Remote Work Stipend Approved for All SDCCD Employees!

  1. Thank you!! SDCCD NANC employee at the CITY BOOKSTORE!!
    What a surprise!!
    Well done !!!

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